Summer Reading 2020

This year’s Summer Reading program will run from June 22nd to August 20th. The “Imagine Your Story” theme means a focus on fairytales and myth. We have some new programming, prizes, and raffles to celebrate!


Summer Programming

1) Checkers Library TV! (All Ages): Checkers the Inventor includes stories, crafts, science experiments, special guests, and so much more! New episodes are posted every Monday at 3:00 to our Facebook page for the general public and Google Classroom for Derby students. 
2) Character Fashion Show (Ages 5-18): Email kwarrenger at a 10 second or less video of you dressed as your favorite character! Tell us who you are and why this character is THE BEST! Participants will all be entered into the summer reading raffle based on their age group. To help you make the best costume, we’ll be sharing DIY costume ideas on our social media and in the Google Classroom all summer long! The winner will be announced at the end of summer reading alongside a video compilation of all entries!
3) Vacation Stories (Ages 5-18): Quarantine has made a lot of people’s vacation plans fall by the wayside, so let’s share our favorite vacations with each other to have a virtual vacation of sorts! Email kwarrenger at a short video or write-up telling the story of your favorite vacation. Be sure to include pictures! Participants will be shared on our social media and entered into the summer reading raffle based on their age group. The winner will be announced at the end of summer reading!
4) Tell Me a Story with Miss Krissy (All Ages): Miss Krissy will be live streaming on our Facebook page every Monday evening during summer reading at 7:00 PM to tell you a story! Maybe it’ll be a classic fairytale, or an exciting Greek myth, or maybe something completely random! Storytelling is as old as humanity itself. Storytellers use their faces, bodies, and voice to tell a story without the help of a book. Join us for a unique experience you won’t forget! 
All of our regular virtual programming will also continue, but with the “Imagine Your Story” theme whenever possible. This includes our music and movement storytimes with Miss Kathi, Teen Video Game Club with Ian, and Bed Time Story Time, Pokémon TCG Club, Gadgets & Gizmos, I Choose Adventure!, Teen Anime Club, and Teen Virtual Game Night with Miss Krissy.

Points & Prizes

This year’s Summer Reading program will be based on a points system. You can earn points by attending virtual programming, commenting on or liking live programs on the Facebook page, using curbside pickup, and joining the Google Classroom! Code auxndrb
Points Scale:
  • Joining the Google Classroom or Programming Mailing List: 50 points
  • Attending a Virtual Program: 50 points
    This includes Facebook Live videos–comment as yourself or ask your parent to comment on the video to let us know you watched it!
  • Checking out library materials: 50 points per item
    To get credit for your curbside pickup checkouts, you will need to take a picture of your receipt and send it to kwarrenger at
  • Commenting on or liking a Facebook program or Checkers Library TV: 10 points

This means that every week, you have the opportunity to earn at least 1,800 points!


Once you’ve accrued enough points, you can start to exchange them for prizes!

400 points: Book of choice up to $15 value

500 points: Movie of choice up to $15 value

750 points: Funko Pop up to a $15 value

1000 points: $20 gift card to Playstation store, Nintendo eShop, or XBox store. If none of these appeal to you, ask us about other options!

Character Fashion Show & Vacation Stories Raffle Prizes:

Sending kwarrenger at a submission for either of these events gets you an entry into a raffle for a prize of your choice! We have 3 to choose from:

  1. Hatchimal
  2. Pokémon Trading Card Game Trainer Box
  3. Noise-canceling Bluetooth headphones (2 pairs to give out!)

If you send a submission for both programs, that means two raffle tickets!