Author Kristina Warrenger


Browse n’ Buy Price List:

  • Hardcover Books: $2
  • Paperback Books: $1
  • Children’s Books: $0.50
  • DVDs & Blu-Rays: $2
  • Puzzles: $2



Did you enjoy Summer Reading 2022? We certainly hope so, and would love to hear your feedback! All ages are asked to participate in our Summer Reading Outcomes survey. Your input helps us make our programming better and assess where we need to improve!

Take the survey here!

We ask that you please fill out one survey for each family member who took part in our program. Thank you for your time and continued support!

Hi there!
I hope everyone is having a very happy Spring! This is just a quick note to let you know we have some programming changes coming up, including *NEW* youth programs beginning the week of April 5th!
It’s all thanks to the new addition to our staff, Miss Sarah Zareski!
Sarah is a Valley native who loves art, graphic novels, dinosaurs, and working with youth. You can reach her by emailing She’ll be taking over the Virtual Crafting for Littles and the Virtual Teen Craft Night programs. She will also be starting up a *NEW PROGRAM* just for babies“Laptime on Zoom” will be targeted to ages Birth – 2 on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10:15 AM. Miss Krissy will continue to run the Virtual Interactive Story Hour every other Monday at 11:00 AM, and she will be adding “Drums and Strings and Shaky Things” on the alternating Mondays, also at 11:00 AM! This will be a new music and movement program targeted for ages Birth – 5. We will have supply packs for this program that include scarves, shaky eggs, and tambourines! You can request one of these or any of our other supply packs by calling the library at 203-734-1492.
We are also revamping our Youth Services mailing list software to ensure you have more control over which youth programming emails you receive and the ability to anonymously opt out at any time. We will never share your information with anyone. If you need help filling out the form linked below, please call the library at 203-734-1492.
Please click here to fill out a Google Form to add yourself to our new Youth Services mailing list!
So! This became much more than a “quick note”, but here’s a visual summary of it all:
And again, don’t forget to sign up for our new mailing list! Here’s that link again if you need it: Sign up here!
Hope to see you at a new or old program sometime soon!

We’re looking to better serve those of you with children ages 5 and under by determining the best days and times to host virtual programming. Please help us better serve you by taking this VERY brief one-question poll!

Click here to take our poll!